Taking a dip either for swimming or snorkelling in a cenote, and seeing the fantastic stalactites and stalagmites inside some cenotes is a unique experience. For the ancient Mayans, cenotes were sacred places, and their beauty does not make it difficult to imagine why. This region of Mexico is peppered with more than 300 cenotes – which are in essence cave pools fed by underground freshwater rivers, with openings to the sky. In simple terms, cenotes are natural sinkholes created where cave ceilings have collapsed.

If you decide to choose only one fun thing to do in Mexico, let it be swimming and snorkelling in cenotes. I myself experienced two cenotes, one for swimming and the other one in which I enjoyed the natural wonder that is stalactites and stalagmites. For the latter cenote, a Mayan shaman blessed us first, before we negotiated through a very narrow entry into the dark but astonishingly beautiful freshwater cave (underwater flashlights in hand), behind our guide and accompanied by an official photographer. An unforgettable experience!

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