Dat 14 Morning

Fortuna Bay located in South Georgia Island (sub-Antarctic region) is marked by rugged mountainous terrain with spectacular scenery and abundant & amazing wildlife. It’s a relatively small bay – only 5 km long and 1.6 km wide and is ideal for observing icebergs. Visitors will also find this bay is home to thousands of King penguins, Antarctic Fur seals, Elephant seals, Brown skua, Giant petrels and Antarctic terns.

I visited the Fortuna Bay area while I were on an extended Antarctic cruise. I went ashore on Zodiacs and proceeded to thousands of noisy but photogenic King Penguins including chicks & many seals and their playful lovely pups- what a sight! I loved watching these beautiful and inquisitive penguins. These penguins must be so used to have visitors that they march quite close to human without any fears. A penguin rookery/colony is unpleasantly smelly. In spite of this the highlight of this particular visit was the spectacular king penguin colony.

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