Day 12 Morning

After two days and two nights at sea we arrived in South Georgia. Our first landing took place in Cape Rosa, more precisely in the cave Ernest Shackleton and his men stayed for four days. Cape Rosa is a must-see destination for adventurers looking to experience the rugged beauty and rich history of South Georgia. With its stunning landscapes, rich wildlife, and historic sites, it offers a truly unique and unforgettable adventure. The cape was first sighted by the English navigator James Cook in 1775, and later played a significant role in the whaling industry in the early 20th century. Shackleton’s landing at Cape Rosa is an important moment in the history South Georgia, and his bravery and leadership continue to inspire adventurers today. The Cape is a home to a variety of wildlife, including seals, penguins, and seabirds, and is also a popular spot for whale watching. The area is surrounded by stunning glaciers and mountains, making it a paradise for hikers and nature lovers.

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