Day 19 Afternoon

Brown Bluff is a Tuya. Tuya is rare geological phenomena, formed when a volcano erupts through a glacier or ice sheet creating a distinctive flat-topped cone. Brown Bluff formed in the last 1 million years, and at one point the volcano had a massive diameter of 15 kms. The volcano is named “Brown Bluff” because of its steep slopes and its brown-to-black coloured rock. It was the second day 

and second landing in Antarctic peninsula, and what an experience. Brown Bluff attracts thousands of penguins every year thanks to its mile-long cobble-and-ash beach providing easy access to the sea. Seeing so many penguins so close provides an invaluable opportunity to observe the most adorable behaviour in the wild. Penguins were a mix of Adelie and Gentoo, mostly the former. On a sunny day, Brown Bluff is without a doubt one of the most beautiful spots in Antarctica.

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